New language added

Good news for all our German-speaking users! You can now access the Boostmyshop app in German.
New Sales Channels: Cdiscount and Rakuten

Responding to user demand, we now support direct connections to Cdiscount and Rakuten, expanding your sales channel options.
Live Price Push added to new channels

Settings → Price Synchronization Tab → Price Live updation to channel
Easily set up live price updates for ManoMano France, Google, Rakuten, and Cdiscount directly—no Customer Success Manager required! With these new channels, live price push is now available across all platforms, ensuring your pricing stays competitive.
Catalog History

Correct: Settings → Catalog tab → Catalog importation status → Logs
To provide a deeper understanding of your catalog's history, we have introduced comprehensive logging features. This enhancement enables you to track the frequency of catalog imports. Additionally, the logs include error reporting, alerting you to any issues within your catalog.
Re-upload your catalog

My Account → Sales Channel tab → Resending a File
If you imported your catalog through direct upload process, but want to update the catalog with the new version of your file. Earlier to do so, you would have to add a new catalog and start the process from scratch, this could be tedious. Therefore we bring you a simple way to add a new catalog on our system, while keeping all the settings made during set up.
Re-mapping catalog fields

My Account → Sales Channel tab → Settings
Need to adjust your catalog fields? Simply click on "Settings" in the more options menu of your Import by File channel to re-map and align them with Boostmyshop fields. This option is available for custom uploads only and not for FTP and URL uploads.
Customized Data Crawling Frequency

Manage Credit Allocation → Frequency scroll
This feature lets you set the data crawling frequency for each sales channel and shows the credits per day used for each frequency.
Pricing Strategy & Repricing
Cost Strategy: Introducing Markup Calculation

Settings → Price Optimization → Price optimization strategy
Previously, you could only set Cost Strategy on the basis of margin calculation, but we understand that different businesses have different strategies. Therefore, we have also added markup calculation on the Cost Strategy, so you can build a strategy that is unique to your business.
Profit Markup & Margin Analysis

myPricing → Price optimization tab → Profit Markup & Margin Analysis
We have introduced a new section to show your optimized margin & markup, this can help you in setting up your pricing strategy for maximum profit. Along with this, if your competitor is selling at a lower price than you, then we show the margin and markup calculations of your best competitor. This information can be used to revise your pricing strategy, making it more competitive in the market.
Product Specific Margin

myPricing → Price optimization tab
If you have chosen Cost Strategy as your pricing strategy, and you wish to change the margins on some products, you can do so by adding Product Specific Margin, which will then be used to configure the optimised product price.
Global Repricer

Settings → Pricing Tab → Prize optimization method
If you want to start repricing your catalog, Boostmyshop provides you with two ways of doing so. The first method is Repricing within the marketplace, which only considers the competitors of the catalog channel. The second method is Repricing across the marketplaces, which reprices based on competitors from the catalog channel as well as competitors from all the channels connected for market monitoring and benchmarking.
Visualize Competitors with Color Coding

myPricing → Competition ratio

myPricing → Product drawer → Market positioning tab
Enhance your competitive strategy with our new visualization feature. Competitors excluded from reprising are shown in red, active competitors in black, and your listings in blue, simplifying competitor analysis.
Product Drawer Optimization

myPricing → Choose Product → Market Positioning tab / Price Optimization tab
You can now manage settings directly from the product drawer:
- To disable market monitoring, navigate to the Market Positioning tab and activate the "Suspend Competitive Monitoring" option.
- To disable price optimization, go to the Price Optimization tab and activate the "Suspend Price Optimization" option.
To enable these features again, simply deactivate the selected options following the same steps.
Global Reports

My Account → Applications tab → Global Reports
Export pricing-related data for all sales channels simultaneously with our new Global Reports feature, optimizing your pricing strategies across your CMS, and feed manager.
Generate Reports Easily

myPricing → Sort by
If you wish to export your data from Boostmyshop, you can do so easily by Quick Export and Global Reports feature.
If you want to get reports for all your connected sales channels, we recommend using the Global Reports feature, but if you want to get data from a particular sales channel, then we would recommend using Quick Export.
You can also schedule the timing for exporting this data. This will ensure that you receive the latest data as per your needs.
Flexible Export Frequency Options

myPricing → Sort by → Quick Export / Global Reports → Export options → URL → Time of exports
Choose how often to export data with new frequency options: every 10, 15, 30 minutes, or hourly, ensuring timely data availability for effective decision-making.
Product Variant Pricing

Settings → Price synchronisation → Harmonise product variant prices
For users with product variants, we offer a feature that optimizes prices for all variants using our repricer. You can then choose to apply either the highest or lowest optimized price to all variants.
Market Monitoring
Sales Channel & Market monitoring management

My Account → Sales Channel tab → Import File/Connect button
You can now connect your sales channels and add channels for market monitoring for the connected sales channel catalog, streamlining the process.
New filter for market monitoring

myPricing → Filter → Application Configuration
Filter your myPricing overview to display products based on market monitoring status, providing clearer insights and control over your pricing strategies. Soon, we will be bringing the filter for products on which reprising is enabled or disabled.
File Data Enrichment
File Data Enrichment History

Settings → Applications → Connected Apps → Logs
To give you a deeper insight into your File Data Enrichment history, we've introduced comprehensive logging features. These enhancements allow you to track file import frequency and download available files. The logs also include error reporting, alerting you to any issues in your File Data Enrichment.
New options added to File Data Enrichment

Settings → Applications → Connected Apps → Settings
Managing your source files (connected via FTP or URL) is now more intuitive and flexible. You can set key source attributes to always take priority, ensuring that data from your source file is preferred during synchronization. Additionally, view real-time statistics on how many products are utilizing data from the source file. For tailored data management strategies, we offer the ability to remove source data from products and delete mappings, enhancing adaptability and control over your data integration process. This update streamlines the handling of source files, making it straightforward and efficient.
Increased Import Frequency in File Data Enrichment

Settings → Application → Connected Apps (FTP or URL link) → Settings → Time of imports
Now, in the Time of imports feature, we have introduced two new types of frequencies. You can import the file every 30 minutes or every hour, along with time-specific importation.
Data Sync Mode on File Data Enrichment

Settings → File Data Enrichment (FTP or URL link) & Settings → Connected Apps (FTP or URL link) → Settings → Data Importation → Data Sync
We now offer two methods for syncing data in file data enrichment:
Update Mode : This updates your existing data with newly synced information.
Replace Mode : This removes existing data and replaces it with the latest synced data.