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Boostmyshop myPricing V3.3

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Boostmyshop myPricing is evovling further to cater ecommerce sellers. With a brand new dashboard, autopilot mode, and advanced filters, myPricing has become even more dynamic and user-friendly. Our latest release also includes major updates and bug fixes to ensure a seamless experience. Experience the power of Boostmyshop myPricing V3.3 and stay ahead of the competition.

New Features

Autopilot for Market Data Collection and Price Optimization


This feature allows our tool to manage credit allocation automatically, prioritizing data collection and consumption on products that need more frequent market information retrieval and repricing. Products with high competition and favorable positions will be prioritized, helping you gain a competitive edge in the market.



The new dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their evolution over time. This includes Catalog and Order Performance Indicators, giving you a better understanding of your market position and helping you make informed decisions.

Advanced Product Filtering / Sorting


Our Market and Catalog Analysis tool has undergone significant improvements. You can now use advanced filters to tailor your analysis by combining various filters simultaneously. This allows you to focus on specific product attributes such as market position, classification, competitors, brands, and categories, making it easier for you to analyze and optimize your product catalog.

Catalog and Product Status Classification


We've introduced clear and concise product status classifications to help you understand your product states better and their relationship with our tool. The classifications include In Stock Product, Publishable Product, Detected Offers, and My Offers Detected.

Auto Report Generation


You can now configure automatic reports about your catalog and market information directly from the application. Set up exports to a URL generated according to your preferred frequency, ensuring you always have the latest information at your fingertips.

Competitors Exclusion


With this feature, you can exclude specific competitors from the repricing rules, giving you better control over the repricing process and enabling you to optimize your pricing strategy more effectively.

Amazon orders


Boostmyshop now supports Amazon orders! You can track your Amazon orders (list orders and KPIs) within the application, streamlining your order management process.

Updates and Improvements

External Application statues


Improved currency management, synchronization history, file download history, URL validity checks, auto sync management, manual sync, and FTP connection checks for smoother integration with external sources.

Account Rate Limit Display


Your account rate limits (Product limit and credit consumption) are now displayed directly in the main frame, allowing for easier monitoring of your account usage.

Shop Information Updates


Manage new Warning and Blocked statuses for better control over your shop's performance.

Matching Wizard


The matching wizard now checks the validity of URLs submitted before matching products, ensuring the accuracy of matched information.

Market Information for Products


The new view shows offers in both My Market and Global Market, providing a comprehensive understanding of your market position.

Google Shopping Updates


We've added support for Google Switzerland and now ignore click and collect offers, ensuring your price won't be adjusted against these types of offers. Additionally, Google Merchant product publication statuses are imported, allowing you to see your product publication status and eligibility for Google Shopping within our application.

Bug Fixed

Product Drawer

Resolved issues related to updating the min and max price, disabling pricing, and handling special characters in SKUs.

External App

Fixed FTP connection issues and problems when creating new sources.

QuickExport Generation

Resolved issues with QuickExport generation.


Fixed instances where no matching was done.

Onboarding Panel

Addressed product importation status issues.

Strategy Modal

Resolved issues with the strategy modal, ensuring smoother user experience and improved functionality.

Evolving with Customers in Mind

We hope these updates and improvements provide you with an even more powerful and user-friendly experience. Our team is continuously working to enhance our tool, ensuring it stays at the forefront of market analysis and price optimization. We value your feedback, and we're always eager to hear your thoughts on new features or improvements that can make your daily operations more efficient and effective. Don't hesitate to reach out and share your ideas with us. Thank you for choosing our application, and we look forward to continuing to support your business growth.Look out for our future updates.