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myPricing V3.2.2

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Boostmyshop is excited to announce the release of V3.2.2.The latest version of our platform, which focuses on stabilizing the Mirakl, Amazon and Google scope. Our team has worked hard to introduce new features and make improvements to our platform's user interface and functionality. This release includes several enhancements, bug fixes, and new features, which will improve your overall experience using our platform.

Global UX Update

We have updated the user interface across the entire platform to make it more user-friendly and intuitive. This will make it easier for you to navigate the platform and perform various tasks.

Connected App


Under Setting -> Application -> connect a Application -> click on a kebab symbol > in application Setting. We have made significant improvements to the Connected App, which now features a new UX to manage application settings. You can now also manage different currencies and convert them to the channel base currency.

Product Matching Wizard Improvements


The Product Matching Wizard now allows you to search for products directly on Google Shopping, making it easier and faster to match products.

Market Radar Chrome extension compatible with V3 Auth System


Our Market Radar Chrome extension is now compatible with the V3 authentication system, making it more secure and reliable. It means that we are ready to provide/sell this Extension to others users